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Red Cross

The Hinsdale Branch of the Chicago Chapter of the American Red Cross was organized as Auxiliary No. 24 on June 26, 1916. 


Of the 107 women who wore the service pin during the war, which denoted two days of service pledged each week, 74 had worked over 800 hours earning them an Honor Certificate and badge.  Organized in 11 units throughout town, these women worked in various departments to meet the needs of the military and support efforts at home. 


Their work was financially supported by individuals and community groups and augmented with junior auxiliaries sponsored at each school. 


There was also a Hinsdale branch of the Italian Relief Auxiliary that focused on producing items specifically for our Italian allies.

Hinsdale Historical Society

P.O. Box 336, Hinsdale, IL 60522

Phone: (630) 789-2600

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