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Online Resources

The Hinsdale Historical Society's Archives and History Museum are home to thousands of historical records, ephemera, artifacts, photographs, maps, books, documents, and more pertaining to the history of Hinsdale and its residents.

Online Books and Resources
Village on the County Line by Hugh G. Dugan

Published: 1949


A history of Hinsdale written by Hinsdalean Hugh G. Dugan from the earliest times until 1949.

Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital: 1904 to 1957  by Hugh G. Dugan

Published: abt. 1958


A history of Hinsdale's sanitarium and hospital from 1904 to 1957.

French Coach Horses at Sedgeley Farm by E. M. Barton

Published: 1900


Book pertaining to the Segeley Farm in Hinsdale.

The Floroscope

Published: 1925


Yearbook from the Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital's nursing school from 1925.

Chicago and Its Suburbs
History of DuPage County, Illinois by Rufus Blanchard
A History of the County of DuPage, Illinois by C. W. Richmond
History of DuPage County, Illinois
Illinois State Archives and Secretary of State
Illinois Digital Archives (Office of the Secretary of State and Illinois State Library)
Other Websites, Archives, and Organizations
Hinsdale Public Library

Phone: 630.986.1976


The Hinsdale Public Library has a digitized archive of copies of The Doings from 1896-2017, which is only available for use while in-person at the library. Additional newspaper collections and research materials are available through the public library.

Circuit Court Clerk of DuPage County

Phone: 630.407.8632 Link:

The circuit court clerk provides probate and naturalization records, unproved wills and court cases from 1839 to present. Records from 1917 to present are available with a notice of 24-48 hours (they may need to be pulled from off-site storage).
1839-1917 records may possibly be accessed through volunteers that work in circuit clerk's office (condition of documents merit they be handled by trained personnel only).

DuPage County Office of County Clerk

Phone: 630.407.5500


Birth and death records from 1877-1927 are available, though not complete. Marriage records from 1839-1932 are available, though not complete; often only names listed are those of the married couple and celebrant.

DuPage County Recorder

Phone: 630.407.5400


The office provides indexed grantor / grantee and mortgagor / mortgagee records from the mid-1800s to present.

DuPage County Genealogical Society


The society collects various genealogical information connected with DuPage County; conducts various surveys of local resources; compiles various listings from county census records, cemetery records, etc. and publishes various materials and findings useful to the genealogist. The website includes an abstract of The Hinsdale Doings from 1896-1906.

National Archives and Records Administration -- Great Lakes Region

7358 S. Pulaski Rd.
Chicago, IL 60629

Phone: 773.948.9000


Newberry Library

60 W. Walton St.
Chicago, IL 60610

Phone: 312.255.3506


Illinois State Preservation Office
Illinois State Archives and Secretary of State
Illinois Digital Archives (Office of the Secretary of State and Illinois State Library)

Hinsdale Historical Society

P.O. Box 336, Hinsdale, IL 60522

Phone: (630) 789-2600

© 2024 Hinsdale Historical Society

Internal Use Only
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