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1910-1920s: Memories

(Click on each image to expand and see the full image and caption, memory associated with it.

1914 Fourth of July Program

1919: The First Parade After World War I

The first parade after the end of World War I was one of the largest in Hinsdale's history, especially because of the war's impact on Hinsdale and its community.

In a 1990 oral history interview with Alvina Isbell Lyford and the Hinsdale Historical Society, Alvina recalled her memories of the Fourth of July parades in Hinsdale:

"Well, the Fourth of July parade was wonderful. Old soldiers would march in it. I judged the parade later on for many years and it was fun. It went right down - I had the best seat in the house right in front of the old high school - and being a judge was just nice. I always had a wonderful view of the parade. Well, we took that seriously, yes. We knew they really put a great deal of effort in so I would gather judges, Irving Tarrant, and other people for artistic abilities and judgment and a cross section of people. We took it all very seriously.”

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